My memory has a hole. A big hole.
I don't know the nature of it, but maybe it connects somehow to the ozone holes in stratosphere.
I read / watch / research a lot but because of the hole, I keep forgeting everything very quick. It annoys me.
So, this blog is my attempt to record all my discoveries and keep them in one place where I always can come back.
You are more than welcome to follow me in it.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Vivian Maier - rare discovery

It happens so rare in nowadays that some old-new name appears in photography or art world. Welcome to Vivian Maier's work!

Vivian's work was discovered at an auction here in Chicago where she resided most of her life. Her discovered work includes over 100,000 mostly medium format negatives, thousands of prints, and a ton of undeveloped rolls of film. I have approximately 90-95% of the work.

There is a blog dedicated to her works and her discovery for the all world.

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