My memory has a hole. A big hole.
I don't know the nature of it, but maybe it connects somehow to the ozone holes in stratosphere.
I read / watch / research a lot but because of the hole, I keep forgeting everything very quick. It annoys me.
So, this blog is my attempt to record all my discoveries and keep them in one place where I always can come back.
You are more than welcome to follow me in it.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Philippe Parreno

I would say that was one of the best art work I have seen in the last months.
I would recommend to go to the gallery and have a look on it first without any prereading about what he is showing there. That's the way you get the most from it.

Serpentine Gallery:

In his interview in Guardian he says: "I devise my exhibitions like a film," he says. "I think about sequences, about the rhythm of the experience for the visitor. Or like music: my exhibitions often unfold like a musical score. They unfold in time."

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