My memory has a hole. A big hole.
I don't know the nature of it, but maybe it connects somehow to the ozone holes in stratosphere.
I read / watch / research a lot but because of the hole, I keep forgeting everything very quick. It annoys me.
So, this blog is my attempt to record all my discoveries and keep them in one place where I always can come back.
You are more than welcome to follow me in it.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Luke Fowler. A Grammar for Listening

This piece of work I watched in Nottingham on British Art Show.

Luke Fowler:Screening of A Grammar for Listening, Parts 1 – 3

Nottingham Castle Museum & Art Gallery

In film, sound is usually incidental; an accompaniment for visual images. Luke Fowler reverses that equation: in A Grammar for Listening (Parts 1- 3) the subject is sound. Collaborating with sound artist Lee Patterson, whose environmental recordings capture sounds that are usually unheard: recordings of underwater life, the pulsations of neon lights and the explosions of burning walnuts to produce a dialogue between looking and listening.

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